
Just letting everyone know that, I won't be posting for the next month or so.
          	My life is making changes (I'm still sick) and this next month I will, not only be dealing with exams (wish me luck), but I will also be spending the month with my long distance partner annnnddd (big news) IM FINALLY GETTING MY DREAM DOG!
          	We're getting him as a puppy, so for the next two months I'll be training him and most likely won't have time to add to my stories.
          	Good news is that I have a chapter, for each of my stories, in the drafts and I hope to post it within the next two weeks or so (before I go MIA for a bit).
          	Wish my luck frens! (I really need it)


@Satan_Here late good luck (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)


Just letting everyone know that, I won't be posting for the next month or so.
          My life is making changes (I'm still sick) and this next month I will, not only be dealing with exams (wish me luck), but I will also be spending the month with my long distance partner annnnddd (big news) IM FINALLY GETTING MY DREAM DOG!
          We're getting him as a puppy, so for the next two months I'll be training him and most likely won't have time to add to my stories.
          Good news is that I have a chapter, for each of my stories, in the drafts and I hope to post it within the next two weeks or so (before I go MIA for a bit).
          Wish my luck frens! (I really need it)


@Satan_Here late good luck (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)


          I'm sending this message out to inform anyone who is still reading my stories.
          As many know, I haven't updated the stories in a while and I apologize. My life has hit many bumps and as much as I want to finish my stories, I don't have time (school, life, health etc)
          I hope to complete them at some point especially over my next long school break.
          Both stories have been marked as ;
          --Currently On Break. Not completed--
          In there descriptions.
          I'm sorry if I've disappointed anyone. I won't be removing them, but at this current time, I can't find the time to finish them, and I hope to eventually (I want to give the stories an end)
          Thank you to everyone who has supported me and continued reading.
          I hope to complete them both this year (2024)


@Satan_Here No worries, I saw it and read it 


@Purplespirk I just realized that when I sent my reply to you, I sent it to myself (I am dumb). I hope you saw the message and if not, thank you again for it!


@Satan_Here HiHi!
            I'm really happy to read your message! It makes me really happy to see and I'm glad you like my story!
            And thank you for understanding! I hope my story continues to bring serotonin and that the ending satisfys 


this message may be offensive
          Idk who is seeing this message but I'm sorry I never ended up continuing either story.
          I got crazy busy, but I should have so much time this summer so I'm hoping to get back into my writing and actually finish these stories.
          Idk if they will go the way I want, but we'll find out!
          Also if you guys see spelling mistakes lmk, or take it to your grave 
          I'm kidding but do tell me 
          I'm a I can't type for shit, but I swear I can semi-spell!
          I hope there's still people ready to read my dumb stories 


I'm almost done my schoolwork, and it looks like I'll be off for the next couple months so I'm hoping to be able to update my stories once I complete my final assignments. Thank you all who are still reading my stories I hope to update them soon as I still love them.


I just wanna say thank you all for reading my stories and I wanted to make clear that they are NOT discontinued.
          I have been extremely busy as of late with my health issues and schooling and rarely get a chance to breathe, let alone write. 
          I want to finish these stories as I love them, and had something big planned for them when I first wrote them.
          I got extra swamped now that I'm trying to get into University. They won't let me in this September because they never received my highschool transcripts and I'm working as hard as I can to get that reversed and still get in.
          It's a lot, especially with trying to get my other assignments done.
          So thank you for your patience and I hope that soon I'll be able to get my stuff in order and update some more for those who still want to see how they end.
          Thank you <3 <3


Hi ! Thanks for the follow back I love your Superman book kinda inspired me to write my own kind of book 


@Ynwest no I'm sorry. I repsonsed with a heart emoji but I guess Wattpad doesn't like my emojis LOL
            It wasn't a blank message sorry xD
            <3 <3


@Satan_Here sorry just saw your message 


Hi everyone!
          I'm just making this announcement to promise that my stories aren't discontinued
          I've been crazy busy and the last year or so has been way to chaotic
          I will try within the next couple months to get at least a couple chapters out
          Thank you all for the support!


Hello all.
          I'm just posting this to let anyone who is still reading my stories that I will post new chapters soon.
          I've been super busy lately and have been going through a lot, but I hope to get some chapters out, at least by the end of the month.
          Thank you for sticking with me this long!!


@Satan_Here can't wait! :DD


You have been booped. Now you must boop 20 other wattpaders. May they be bffs, friends, cool authors or supportive followers who are cool!
          Go boop them!
          @oDIVAo I'm booping you back <3


@Satan_Here (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤