So 2 days ago I got a message on Ig from an unknown account I never talked to or even heard of with a link.I was suspicious about what it could be so for almost 2 days and I always asked myself if I should open it. In the end I opened it yesterday and when I'm telling you I'm going to delete all social media I am talking really seriously. Guess what kind of video it was? If you don't know, on TikTok people are talking about a video on Twitter which shows a girl getting her head cut off, and yeah it was that video. I'm literally so disgusted and I FEEL disgusting. I literally cried for hours after seeing that and I'm still shaking remembering the images. I could not even sleep last night because I could feel tingles on my neck and I was so terrified. I really feel like I wanna die right now and reset my memory because it was horrifying. Again, it was NOT an animation or made on a computer, they were real persons. A REAL girl getting her head chopped off. I could see all the blood from her neck going down her body, and the guy cutting her head was so aggressive it made me sick. It was like he had no shame or pity for the girl. I hope that both the person that recorded the video and the guy who was cutting the poor girls' neck die in prison and rot in hell. Same goes for the person who sent me the link, I hope they die tomorror.
Also, if someone gives a link somewhere on Youtube or on TikTok for the video, please, I BEG you; don't watch it. It doesn't matter if you can handle gore, it WILL haunt you every minute. And if you already did, then I am really sorry that you had to witness that and you can hate me all you want for making you remember it. <8