
why is everyone suddenly following me what’s happening what did i do help


@Satans_Good_Child.  that's luck bby i also dunno why i followed you hahaha
          	  See ya...or...text ya


why is everyone suddenly following me what’s happening what did i do help


@Satans_Good_Child.  that's luck bby i also dunno why i followed you hahaha
            See ya...or...text ya


*bursts through door*
          *body slams table*
          *breaks arm*
          *does backflip*


            Congrats! I'm super late, but still  Congratulations!


this message may be offensive
So, I live about 30 minutes away from where the shooting took place on Sunday, I know people who were there that day. I actually knew one of the people that died. He was celebrating his 30th birthday when he got shot.
          I want everyone to know that I'm fine. But I am both scared and hurt after these events. That shooting marked the 250th shooting in 2019. We need to do something, and we need to do it fast. So this is my message to Congress: "FUCKING DO SOMETHING!"


thank you, that had to be terrifying for you, i hope their doing alright


 This was so close to home with me too and I am very sorry for your loss, the government is doing absolutely nothing to stop what is happening. I had a very close person there and we had to wait a long time before we heard back from him... 


you see a pitch black car in the distance speedily driving towards you. all it took was one glance and you knew it will lead you to the fiery pits of hell where you will finally feel at home. it comes to a screeching halt in front of you. the window rolls down and Toxic by britney spears comes blaring out of the speakers. You let it wash over you, as you truly feel whole for the first time. slowly, the door opens and you enter the car once inside you see a hooded figure you stare at them and they stare at you, it’s not cold or unforgiving like you had expected, no, it’s warm, and loving almost like parents. the door shut before you can even touch it, and the car begins to speed away once again. You look at Satan and he smiles back at you saying the first words you hear as you began your new life in the after life. “it’s britney bitch.”


my friend and i were texting last night and a spider crawled on her bed and then she lost it so we where joking that she was gonna die, and she said she wanted her exiting song to be Toxic so i wrote this and sent it to her, but she told me to post it so i did


@blue_dragon_shine This is great! did you write that?!?!