
I love coming up with story ideas for people who love watching greys anatomy and private practice if anyone would like to write this one for me your more than welcome too. Here’s my idea: Meredith is happily married to Derek and they decided to try for a baby and then Meredith finds she is pregnant and they ask Addison to be there obgyn as they are living in Los Angeles derek and Meredith have been living in LA For the past three years. They decided to make an appointment at Oceanside wellness centre to see Addison for their monthly ultrasound and they discover that the baby has organs growing on the outside of the stomach so Meredith still wants to go ahead with her plan to have a natural birth at st Ambrose Hospital as they know that the hospital a good reputation for this type of surgery and they know that there friends will look after them both. I would like for this story to be a multi chapter one please


Can i request?


@_CarinaDeLuca_ I can try for sure, but I don’t want to promise anythiing!!❤️


@Satansfavouritegirl can you do a Amelia shepherd oneshot when y/n and Amelia is dating then y/n visit Amelia while she's one duty. Amelia and the other doctors In the lounge, Amelia then ask them if their hungry then they said yes then Amelia ask y/n(who just entered the room)if they can buy them 3 random food chains(like Taco bell etc), y/n then said yes and go out to make a phone call. Amelia and the others we're teasing Amelia(if its okay you can pick why). Y/n then enter the room and said it's done and seat beside Amelia, Amelia then ask when is the food coming, y/n then said what food , Amelia the say the 3 random food chains, y/n then realize they wanted food, Amelia then look at y/n and said what did you buy, y/n then rub  her neck and looking away from Amelia and said the company, Amelia and the others we're shock... 
            And if it's okay you can choose the ending and sorry it's to long and sorry for any typo im not that good in English 