
I just slept for 14 hours. How tf did that happen?


I'm so tired right now. Literally all night from around 12am-4(something)am there was this noise outside that sounded like the beginning of thunder but would abruptly stop and then happen again like 10 minutes later. It literally sounded like something was stomping around outside. Not only couldn't I sleep cause the noise freaked me out, it freaked the dog out as well and she kept jumping on me so whenever I'd managed to doze off, I'd get woken back up again.
          I tried looking up what the noise was, but nothing came up from what I'd tried to search. I know it wasn't a plane cause planes don't sound like that, and so many planes pass over our house since there is an airport nearby. Unless they were using a new specific type of plane, I don't think it was one.
          Now I'm kinda upset, too, cause I'd finally managed to fix my sleep schedule. Since the noise is no longer happening, I'm gonna try to get some sleep now.


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I just had the worst scare. I left my bedroom to give my other dog a half of a peanut butter cookie (I forgot to put sugar in them when I made them so they weren't very good) and I'm looking around for her and calling her, and then I see her in the corner of my eye and am confused cause her face was white. And then I look closer and she's foaming at the mouth, it's like everywhere on her face. So I call my mom and she sees the dog all foaming at the mouth and we go see what she was eating. It was a bag of flour. How the fuck did this dumb bitch get a bag of flour? Where did she get a bag of flour? I seriously was so scared for her for a minute, and now I'm mad cause I have to clean up flour from a carpet. I'm also glad she doesn't have rabies or is dying though too.


Apparently Safeway is having a sale on icecream that ends tomorrow, I know this because my I heard my mom telling my aunt about it and how she was able to get 6 tubs of icecream plus 2 boxes of ice cream bars. It was initially $40, but after coupons etc. it was about $20. I don't know if this sale is nation wide or state only (since my aunt said she was gonna go there tomorrow I'm gonna assume it's for most stores since she lives kinda far away from us). So if you live in "The Evergreen State" there is a sale on ice cream at Safeway that ends tomorrow on 7|2|2024.


I've been working on a fanart challenge I saw on Twitter for a couple of days, and I wanted to post it on here and Tumblr when I was finished. But I just opened Twitter and saw someone had a similar idea as me (even though our artsyles are different), and I kinda don't want to post it anymore since it might look like I copied that person's ideas since I follow them.
           What do people do in that situation when you and other people have similar ideas, but one person does it first because you haven't completed it? Is it ok to still post it? 
          I also know there a possibility this person is never gonna see it or the people that follow them, (also idk anything about them, I usually only follow people because I liked their art) but there's still a chance. And with how mean some people can be, it kinda scares me.


I don't know if I should get the Azul or Ortho card key on the current twst event because I don't like either but I still have to choose one. I just looked at them again, specifically they're groovy's and, well yeah I kinda hate them both. I don't like the winky face Azul is doing and for Ortho his outfits are hit or miss because he doesn't wear cloth clothes, (cause he's a robot) and it looks weird sometimes. I'm leaning more towards Ortho's card though, cause I'm biased. But also cause his weird blocky hands arre mostly being covered, also the angle/viewpoint is better than Azul's.