
Story Update! "The Secrets of BlackCreek"
          	Hi everyone! I'm a little late with this one, but I think the wait will be worth it. 
          	If any of you remember "The Secrets of The Reverence Pack" you'll probably remember me saying that there was no way I could make a sequel for it, and make it just as mysterious, suspenseful, and steamy as the first one...
          	My brain has somehow found a way to do it...after years of this story being a standalone!
          	"The Secrets of BlackCreek" is the title of this sequel, and it has characters both old and new. This time, the packs are faced with a new enemy: one that they have never seen before, and they can't really see now. It all seemed to happen when these strange new humans came into the city.
          	Except one of them isn't a human.
          	Kalen has been searching for his mate for a year, running away from his old pack that had refused him the right to venture out on his own. They had their reasons, but that didn't mean that Kalen had to listen to them. To make matters worse, he's being hunted, and this bounty hunter hasn't quit trying to get him for the entire year that he's been searching. 
          	Coming to BlackCreek though was new. There were new faces, and even friendly leaders. There was even this man that seemed to have a pull to him. One that he couldn't describe. That man was a nephew to the Alpha of one of the packs. Even without touching, he could tell that there was something different about this one. 
          	The bounty hunter seemed to have found a reason to want to stay as well, considering he had been completely distracted by a certain guy in the city, that he hadn't been focused on Kalen. 
          	What started as a quest to find love, turns into helping with an old danger in the foggy forest. These packs had a lot happen in their pasts. With new leaders and old leaders alike, would they be able to face what their ancestor's had done before?
          	With a bounty hunter and a rogue's help, could they find the true secrets of BlackCreek?
          	Let me know what you think!




@Saturn_Passion - I have the The Reverence Pack in my reading list, I just haven’t gotten to it yet. The sequel sounds amazing! Looking forward to reading both!


Story Update! "The Secrets of BlackCreek"
          Hi everyone! I'm a little late with this one, but I think the wait will be worth it. 
          If any of you remember "The Secrets of The Reverence Pack" you'll probably remember me saying that there was no way I could make a sequel for it, and make it just as mysterious, suspenseful, and steamy as the first one...
          My brain has somehow found a way to do it...after years of this story being a standalone!
          "The Secrets of BlackCreek" is the title of this sequel, and it has characters both old and new. This time, the packs are faced with a new enemy: one that they have never seen before, and they can't really see now. It all seemed to happen when these strange new humans came into the city.
          Except one of them isn't a human.
          Kalen has been searching for his mate for a year, running away from his old pack that had refused him the right to venture out on his own. They had their reasons, but that didn't mean that Kalen had to listen to them. To make matters worse, he's being hunted, and this bounty hunter hasn't quit trying to get him for the entire year that he's been searching. 
          Coming to BlackCreek though was new. There were new faces, and even friendly leaders. There was even this man that seemed to have a pull to him. One that he couldn't describe. That man was a nephew to the Alpha of one of the packs. Even without touching, he could tell that there was something different about this one. 
          The bounty hunter seemed to have found a reason to want to stay as well, considering he had been completely distracted by a certain guy in the city, that he hadn't been focused on Kalen. 
          What started as a quest to find love, turns into helping with an old danger in the foggy forest. These packs had a lot happen in their pasts. With new leaders and old leaders alike, would they be able to face what their ancestor's had done before?
          With a bounty hunter and a rogue's help, could they find the true secrets of BlackCreek?
          Let me know what you think!




@Saturn_Passion - I have the The Reverence Pack in my reading list, I just haven’t gotten to it yet. The sequel sounds amazing! Looking forward to reading both!


Story Update! "The Magic of A Tamer"
          Hi everyone! There are only two more stories left to explain, and I can't wait to tell you about this one!
          "The Magic of A Tamer" Is the third book to the Tamer series. Tobias is all grown up, with his own boat, and his own adventure. Him and his siblings are a little different than the rest of his family. None of them seemed to follow the path that their parents wanted them to. Tobias Wendell Wilder Dubois is the only one that actually tames beasts, for instance. He believes that music is a magic that can be found everywhere, even with just the subtle waves of the sea. 
          A peaceful life out on the sea, helping beasts of all kinds with their problems and staying away from his own parents - for his own reasons, of course - was all planned. What Toby didn't have planned was a crazy adventure that involved a historical enemy of his family.
          Lysanders of Eosinir is on the run, bringing chaos to every single realm he's gone to. After searching years to get to Earth, he finally has arrived. Now he just has to find the one family that might help him stop the chaos that's been his life. 
          Wizards aren't supposed to be nice. And Lysanders doesn't look nice either. But the more Tobias talks to him, the more he starts to realize that there is so much more to this particular wizard and his life than what he had learned about them his whole life.
          Is he just too young to understand?
          Or could this be a love that could change his entire world as he once knew it?
          This story has been a while in the making, and a lot of it has been revamped from what the original idea of it was for. The one thing to expect with this story is that Geoff and Bruul are still prominent figures in it, because I love them both too much. 
          I hope you all enjoyed this description! Let me know what you think! I'll see you all soon with the next announcement!


Story Update! "The Alchemist's Bodyguard"
          Hi everyone! I missed a day, but I'm back with another description of one of my stories that's coming out soon!
          "The Alchemist's Bodyguard" Is a standalone story in which Eustace Mickle, a well known underground alchemist, is finally readying himself for the project of a lifetime. The potion of immortality has been attempted many times in his family, and only accomplished once. Many members of his family have died trying to recreate it, or have mysteriously disappeared. Eustace is the only one left of his family, and yet this project must go on. Only the best alchemist could ever perfect it.
          An old friend had convinced him to hire a bodyguard, and he was pleasantly surprised when the International Department of Supernatural and Magical Affairs took interest in his request and personally found a bodyguard that was deemed the best.
          Diallo Rathbone has his reasons for accepting this assignment. He has roamed this world a long time, already being immortal himself for too long to count. Hearing that one of the only alchemist's alive was embarking on a mission that consistently left his family dead or kidnapped would be reason enough. 
          Adding on the fact that this particular alchemist, with messy hair and a charmingly difficult personality, was fun to look at was just icing on the cake.
          Add on the fact that Eustace is *definitely* not gay - even though his book collection screams otherwise - and this makes it more entertaining for this vampire to want to stay and be a part of the show.
          Neither of them are expecting love.
          But at least one of them isn't going to be too surprised.
          If you guys remember Geoff's book, Eustace is actually a tiny side character from that. And it's been way too long since I planned on writing his story. Let me know what you guys think of it! I'll see you all soon with another book description!


@Saturn_Passion this description sounds very interesting, I'm "on bord" ::))


Story Update! "Impress Me Not: The Bouncer"
          Hi everyone! It's time to tell you about one of the many stories that's coming out soon! 
          "Impress Me Not: The Bouncer" is the next story I picked in the Impress Me Not series. There was another more popular idea that everyone loved, and I love it too, but I'm going to have to flesh that idea out more, so I figured I would pocket it for now.
          Impress Me Not: The Bouncer is a standalone to the series where Hanz, the Bouncer at The Watering Hole, is dealing with a very annoying customer.
          Gene(I had to change his name) is a college student living off from a trust fund. He doesn't study unless there's alcohol involved. There's not much he knows about the real world, but he knows a hot guy when he sees one. And the drunker he gets, the louder he gets.
          As their worlds continue to collide, both Gene and Hanz find that there is much more than what shows on the surface. From bad friends, to a bad past, can these two make it as a couple?
          With a cupids arrow, and a silly brunette and blond, there's always a chance.
          I don't have a full blurb for you guys yet, but this is a short description of this story. Let me know what you think!
          Thanks for all the support. I'll see you all soon with the next book description! Stay tuned!


@ Saturn_Passion  yeeees! This one please! I seem to enjoy the Impress Me Not series very much hahaha


@Saturn_Passion can't wait! ❤️❤️❤️


Stories Coming Soon!
          Hi everyone! Please read this all the way through if you want to know what I'm going to be writing next! I'll try and make it short, but I have too many ideas. 
          "Shotgun to The Heart" is having it's last chapter updated tomorrow. And with that comes room for even more stories! It's been a while since I've been able to create new stories, and it's made me itch to do more. 
          Originally I was going to have you all decide on what the next supernatural book was going to be, but this time, I'm going to surprise you all by doing four books at once:
          "Impress Me Not: The Bouncer"
          "The Alchemist's Bodyguard"
          "The Magic of a Tamer"
          "The Secrets of Black Creek"
          I was going to give a short description of each, but I completely ran out of room. So, instead, I'm going to make an announcement once a day with said explanation. I hope the titles can give you all hint for some of them. These are all such great ideas that I couldn't just shelf any of them! I love them so much!
          Feel free to leave a comment if you have any questions! There is one more change that is happening soon as well, but I'm going to wait until after I announce the story ideas to tell you all lol.
          Thank you for all the support and for liking and reading my books. It means the world to me, honestly. 
          I'll see you all soon!


 More stories! Yes please 


General Update! - Stay Tuned in!
          Hi everyone! I just wanted to let you all know that "Shotgun to The Heart" is almost done, and potentially on it's last week if everything goes alright for me. I've been struggling a bit, but I'm still proud of the progress I've made.
          Once this book is done, there is a lot of things that I'm planning afterwards. Please keep up to date on my page! I'm going to be asking you all to vote on which story to write next, since I am in love with all of me story ideas and I can't decide myself lol. I'll give you more updates once "Shotgun" is done!
          Please stay tuned! I'm going to be so excited to share some ideas with you all! Thank you for all of your support, as always, and I'll see you all soon!


Late Update for Shotgun To The Heart.
          Hi guys! I just wanted to use this to let you know that the next chapter to Shotgun to the Heart is going to be a little bit late. I should be able to get it out on the same day, but it just might not be as early as I would like it to be.
          That being said, we're closing in on the final chapters of this story, and I'm excited to finally get into the true action of it! It's still been pretty busy in my life, but I'm still planning on trying to write a chapter a day until this book is done. When I finally reach the end, I have some surprises for all of you, so please stay tuned for that.
          Thanks for all the love and support! I'll see you all soon!


General Update!
          Hi guys! I hope you all had a great holiday, however you celebrated it. 
          I kind of went MIA for this month, and I'm sorry for that. I meant to make an announcement a lot earlier than now but that never happened. 
          I basically had to give myself this month as a break from writing. There were many reasons, the fact that I had a ton of plans for family events to go to being one of them. I also was going through some Holiday Depression and I'm still working through that.
          I'm not the type of person to go into detail about my personal life, but things are still a bit stressful. So, I'm going to try and get back to writing "Shotgun to The Heart" next month, but those updates might be slow until things settle down for me. I still have big plans for 2025 and I'm going to do my best to keep to those plans, but life is kind of kicking me right now.
          Thank you all for your patience. I'm proud that I was even able to get just 2 books done this year. Hopefully next year goes a little better for me.
          I'll see you all soon with some more chapters published!


@Saturn_Passion it's a tough time of year alright. You should be proud, it's 2 more books than I wrote!! Take it easy and look after yourself and your mental health. Happy new year!❤️❤️


Writing Break!
          Hi guys! I was supposed to have a chapter of Shotgun to The Heart out today but, unfortunately, I wound up getting sick and didn't have any energy to do much of anything.
          That being said, I'm going to take a break over the weekend on writing just to get completely rested. Afterwards, my schedule is changing for the last book of the year! I'll explain more on that when I get closer to it.
          Sorry for the wait. I hope you all stay safe and healthy. I'll see you guys soon!


@Saturn_Passion, get well soon... I'm looking forward to any new works next year xx


@Saturn_Passion I wish you a speedy recovery, we will wait patiently until you get better ::))


I hope you get better we’ll miss you!!! <3 