Hello people! Yes, I’ve basically been gone for 2 years, but now I’m officially back, for real this time. I’ve looked back on all my old books and now that I notice they don’t really fit my writing style anymore, and I lost the plot of one of my best books alone the way. So I plan to rewrite pretty much all of them, and try to think of better plots. The whole reason why I was gone was because I didn’t have any motivation for any of my projects, so I needed to take a break, even if it was for around 2 years. I was focused on my school work, and now I’m about to be a freshman in high school and I have an audition for an art program in my school that is coming up later this week, so I’m very excited for that and I have to work on my pro-folio, so I have been busy over the years. But my newest book that I just posted has been a idea I’ve had for 3 years now, and on finally started working on it. I’m very excited to keep working on it. I don’t have a schedule for posting, because whenever I would try to implement one it would never work out, as I would lose motivation. So my schedule will keep being inconsistent, but if I release an exact date of a new chapter, then I’ll to stick to that date if not post the new chapter the day after. Anyways, I’m so glad to be back and posting on Wattpad, I’ll try to update my story as frequently as my schedule allows me too or when I find the time and motivation.

@ComfortBlueZ yes you are very special As for your new book, I like it! As I envisioned what was happening in my head it felt like I was watching a movie. Nice job!

@Icaruko HI!! Yes I’m back, lol. Thank you, I’m very excited for what you have to say about my new story, I feel like my style has changed quite a bit. Lol, Yes I was the first child you adopted online, means I’m special ☺️

@ComfortBlueZ :v you're back??!!! Ah it's been so long TvT I've been so inactive lately but seeing as you have a new book Imma go read it. You're an incredible writer so I'm excited to see how your style has grown and improved. Also you were the first child I adopted online *cries*