
this message may be offensive
Had to put disclaimers out just in case people report me for "stealing lisa characters"
          	I aint stealing shit. 
          	To the people who get that idea I'm going to explain what a stolen character is.
          	Let's say I have Beltboy right? I change is name to Rifleman, and tweak his character a little bit- let's say his hair is bright green and his Kerchief is yellow, yet I keep his character and his one liners, and it is blatantly Beltboy but lightly altered.
          	That is theft.
          	But making a fan adaptation of an existing character's story, while crediting the artist and doing this all for free? Not theft. And doing it without monetization is something to not take lightly.
          	I do not own Lisa The Hopeful, nor any of the characters of it, and trying to make money off of something free, let alone something not mine is unethical and rightfully illegal.
          	(And yes, am I pathetically butthurt about some asshole going into my dms and telling me to delete months of work because apparently I stole characters from Taco Salad? Yes.)


Yo i like your books


Also realized you have a discord server thats lit


this message may be offensive
Had to put disclaimers out just in case people report me for "stealing lisa characters"
          I aint stealing shit. 
          To the people who get that idea I'm going to explain what a stolen character is.
          Let's say I have Beltboy right? I change is name to Rifleman, and tweak his character a little bit- let's say his hair is bright green and his Kerchief is yellow, yet I keep his character and his one liners, and it is blatantly Beltboy but lightly altered.
          That is theft.
          But making a fan adaptation of an existing character's story, while crediting the artist and doing this all for free? Not theft. And doing it without monetization is something to not take lightly.
          I do not own Lisa The Hopeful, nor any of the characters of it, and trying to make money off of something free, let alone something not mine is unethical and rightfully illegal.
          (And yes, am I pathetically butthurt about some asshole going into my dms and telling me to delete months of work because apparently I stole characters from Taco Salad? Yes.)


I randomly thought of this, not that it would be a great idea or anything, but my latest series becoming an animated series or something, drawn in like a minimalistic style. (Perhaps a restrictive line style like Samurai Jack or something.) 
          It's fairly interesting. I like visualizing, especially in scenes, either it being animated or live action.
          Also for an upcoming chapter/scene. (Not spoiling it) I feel like Orion by She would be a great match. It has a tragic and serious tone, and just a fair spoiler, shits going to go down, and it will go down hard! (Just enjoy the goodness wholesomeness while it lasts. :))
          (Also, on a serious note, a lawsuit might happen if this becomes an animated series, so it's best to not do that. Or maybe not..
          Still. It's best to not anger Taco Salad, like more than I probably already have.)
          These were just my thoughts, don't kill me.