
Spider-Man OC fanfic will be uploaded either tonight or tomorrow. I will say in advance that it’s basically an amalgamation of Marvel/DC since Im way more familiar with DCs cosmology, but not every character will appear or be the version you’re familiar with. 
          Superman will still be the gentle hearted man, none of that weird Injustice stuff, if I want to use an evil Superman, I’ll just use Ultraman (Earth 3). 


Hey, I'm a new reader to your stories and was curious about where the other stories you wrote are posted as I have seen mention of them at the end of other chapters and wanted to try them but I couldn't find them on your profile page.  


Oh Im also on FanFiction.Net but you will mostly find my DB fanfic up until chapter 33 since Im going through a complete overhaul. I usually go through cycles where I prioritize either this site or that one. 