
Hey guys, today is the last day i will be online till some time in August.
          	Hope ya'll have an awesome life, don't worry, I'm not dead if I'm still not online, some things may be getting complicated.
          	Also wish me luck at my Track and Field Regionals, a freshman girl from this small town going to the North Carolina Regionals at Bunker Hill? never heard of! so wish me luck!!!
          	And if you happen to be at the Regionals at Bunker Hill North Carolina on May 13th 2017, I will be more than happy to meet you! if you want to meet! 
          	I will be a girl (obviously) with short brown hair, i will kind of look like a guy, I'm tan with freckles on my cheeks and nose. If you see someone with that description, walk up and ask "Is Saurtis life?" XD don't do that if you don't want, but really come up and start a convo then ask "ever been on wattpad?" and if it's me? I'll say "Oh yeah, and Saurtis is life by the way" 
          	Hope to meet some of you there!!!! 
          	I love you guys!!! also can some of you guys share my stories with others? that would be awesome. 
          	Love you all!!! 
          	See you in August guys!!! 
          	-With all my love, Saurtis_Fangirl <333333333333333!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hey guys, today is the last day i will be online till some time in August.
          Hope ya'll have an awesome life, don't worry, I'm not dead if I'm still not online, some things may be getting complicated.
          Also wish me luck at my Track and Field Regionals, a freshman girl from this small town going to the North Carolina Regionals at Bunker Hill? never heard of! so wish me luck!!!
          And if you happen to be at the Regionals at Bunker Hill North Carolina on May 13th 2017, I will be more than happy to meet you! if you want to meet! 
          I will be a girl (obviously) with short brown hair, i will kind of look like a guy, I'm tan with freckles on my cheeks and nose. If you see someone with that description, walk up and ask "Is Saurtis life?" XD don't do that if you don't want, but really come up and start a convo then ask "ever been on wattpad?" and if it's me? I'll say "Oh yeah, and Saurtis is life by the way" 
          Hope to meet some of you there!!!! 
          I love you guys!!! also can some of you guys share my stories with others? that would be awesome. 
          Love you all!!! 
          See you in August guys!!! 
          -With all my love, Saurtis_Fangirl <333333333333333!!!!!!!!!!!!


this message may be offensive
That moment when your teacher slams a packet down that is practically a book on your desk, says 'do this by the end of class or you're not getting a grade', then makes sure you don't get it done, then gives you a MOTHERFUCKING 61 EVEN AFTER SPENDING HOURS AFTER SCHOOL TO WORK FOR A GRADE. HONESTLY COME ON!! i honestly talk trash about my teacher more often than not, and i HAVE NEVER IN MY 14 YEARS OF LIFE, EVER HATED A TEACHER THIS MUCH. My pretty sure hates his job, and hates us kids, because when he's asked to do his job, he flips his shit and treats the class like we killed his dog or something...Jesus Christ...Someone help...please?


I will try to post chapter three of The Singing Knights Project today if i can manage. I am in school but i will try very hard to get the third chapter up today. Thank you guys for the reads, i enjoy comments, questions, or even constructive criticism, so if you have a concern about something in the story, don't hesitate to go into the comments and let me know, and i will try to fix it right away!!
          <3333333333333 Luv u guys!!!