
@VRexGoesRawr ill forgive but ill never forget and thank tht means a lot


Okay I need to let you know Savannah Pickerington Schools have been doing this poject for a few years; it's called the Butterfly Project. I made a promise to do the best I can to change the society along with hundreds of other girls. I promised to look a girls strengths instead of their flaws. I also was told to send appology letters to people I felt I did wrong to! So here is mine to you 
          Dear Savannah Brown,
                 I am sorry I was not the greatest of friends. I made quite a few mistakes and I am honestly sorry for that! I am sorry for calling you a slut and a whore because I know you aren't! Sorry isn't really enough in this case but it's all I CAN do! You may not forgive but that's okay because I understand!
          Vanessa Gainous