Hey Guys, I'm legit so sorry I have not updated all my books in absolute freaking forever, Drama just started up again!!!! Yay!!! I get to say I love you to Jack. No, all you Jiminy Cricket And Cinderella fans, I will not be changing the name to The Emperor And Cordelia. I know it would make more sense now that JC And Cinderella are a year old now! By the way JC stands for Jiminy Cricket. Also, I might get a chance as the Minstrel for the performances of the play!!!!! Ashlan is going to Florida for the week ( which is the week before spring break/April vacation) and she wants them to change the play dates just because of that!!! Like Christina said, if it was 5 people that's ok, but not just one freaking person!! I'm hoping I get that because I'd get to do stuff for Jack ( not like Trudy and Jeremy, the servants) but like I'd get to yell at him stuff like that. And that would be pretty funny to do instead of having to quote old TV shows all the time. ( That's what Cordelia mainly does)