
I just made my brother give me the remote just so I could look at the tv saying it was recording a new episode of OUaT this friday.


Hi Save_OQ,
           I just wanted to swing by and thank you for giving my story Entwined a chance and for Voting on so many chapters! I really hope you continue to enjoy the read and please feel free to continue to vote on anything you like and comment as much as you want, I love the feedback and chatting with my readers. 
            Thanks again and Happy reading!


So I'm completely fangirling right now. A&E are casting in my fav Disney movie for season 6. Aladdin. What is there not to be happy about. The Evil Queen, Aladdin, hyde, jekyll the only thing I can think of to make me hate A&E right now is how Robin is well you know. I'm so excited!!!!