
Hi friends... Guess what? New story! Yays! Anyways, I'll *hopefully* be doing daily updates and I'll be on here more often... So yay! 
          	- Lacy, you're crazy empress


@Brooklyn_Paige I'm sorry it took so long to reply, but thanks a ton! I fully agree with you. That just seems entirely unrealistic. I understand it's fun to think about, but after it's done about 427592874097230948 times, it gets just a WEE bit old. The odd thing is that I haven't seen those, though I have accidently picked up "50 Shades of Gray" not knowing what it was about, flipped to a random page, and ended up on a sex scene... Yeah. I'm dead inside. 


BONJOUR! Greetings from me! Hey, that was really a long time since we talked... or whatever they do it in here. Anyway, I actually missed your Awesomeness Scale so I thought of visiting your profile for a while (stalker face, I know -___-) and this is what I found out! You're searching for some peeps huh? Well then! I applied! *applause applause* Yeah, I thought it was gonna be fun! So there you go! :D


Hi fans! Okay, so I've started this new thing called "inSANENews." What it is is *eventually* going to be a news source for Wattpad that will bring a trustworthy source of news and *hopefully* be amusing as well. It'll be a ton of fun *I think so because it has been that way so far* but if any of you are interested, don't be shy to check out the thread I have to hire people! We need about 7+ more people, so yeah.... Here's the link! :D
          #Item_148" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"> #Item_148</a>