Teal behavior of men is even if the woman purposely let's another flirt with her, even if her significant other trusts her not to have it go anywhere, we let it happen for a reason when they are around. We want to see if you will fight for us, stand by us, lay your claim even if we do so ourselves, in this world we know we wont be believed anymore. It could also be because we havnt had many people think of us in that way before and enjoy the new perspective but still not let it go anywhere. Friend zone or family zone, even if us females say somthing about it and are believed, the significant other will have the thought of...well idk. But not the thought of us running off with the stranger or friend, not worried and glad he could trust her, but how we tend to see it as the other not caring and crave them to stand up even if we dont need it or even want it. It just shows not tells how you are there by our side, not lost in your own head on a completely unrelated topic.