
Hey everyone it’s been a while and for that I apologize. I’m currently working on a new chapter for The Sword of Night though. Update on me quickly, my life got more complicated with personal matters it is deeply affecting me but I am improving. That’s all for now, have a great day!


Hey everyone it’s been a while and for that I apologize. I’m currently working on a new chapter for The Sword of Night though. Update on me quickly, my life got more complicated with personal matters it is deeply affecting me but I am improving. That’s all for now, have a great day!


Chapter 2 of The Sword of Night is finally out. I’ll try and upload as best as I can but I write when I want too. Always remember that I’ll never forget about all of you amazing people. Feedback and criticism is greatly appreciated and needed.
          Another thing I’d like to address is my other book, Inseparable. I’d like to know your thoughts on if I should keep it or stop working on it and focus on my new book. To be quite honest I’d rather focus on the new book as the story is new and fresh and there’s lots of room to grow and develop.
          I’d like to thank you all personally for dealing with me and being patient over the last year, it means a lot.