if you are looking for a family romantic novel than click the link and share your thoughts in the comment section for the author to know
I have no idea how on earth you found me in this wattpad jungle but thank you for adding "Handle with Clare" to your reading list! I do hope you enjoy the story. I just feel so excited when I find out people actually read my works so thank you for being you and being awesome.
tysm for adding Camp Albanica to your reading list!! i appreciate it immensely and really do hope you enjoy!! <3
side note: your profile pic is adorable!
thanks again,
jessie xo
@123itsmeee sorry again for late response my brother dumped my phone in water so it was under construction, I too would love to interact with people through wattpad I'd love to be a part of ur lil community and I was actually waiting for ur book's update but due to network problems update isn't visible till now sorry again <33