
I have like eight books in the works/that I wanna start....... I need help


oK- I just got news that My Hero Academia was ending and I’m not ok-
          I actually don’t know it I’m gonna finish my fanficitions time? The second movie is supposed to be the end (December 20th) and I h o n e s t l y don’t know if I can finish them.. I’m writing two KiriBaku, one TodoKami, and I have a KiriBaku idea I’m decently excited for. That and the main book I’m working on so I gotta write a lot-
          Send help I’m very not ok


Hello there friends - I’m posting this to announce  all sorts of crap.
          1.) I’m currently procrastinating on writing the book by writing KiriBaku fanfiction. I’m not sorry.
          2.) @FuckMeBakugou told me to post the KiriBaku fanficiton on here and at the time I couldn’t be bothered to separate it into chapters so it’s gonna be a really, really long one shot
          3.) for that fanfiction I actually made two maps and a money system which was kinda really unnecessary?? But I was hella bored??
          4.) I’m going to visit family here in a couple weeks and I’m going to ✨California✨ for a week and a half (July 1st - July 10th). I’m also going to IMC (International Music Camp) July 21st - July 27th and my sister is going to be visiting from far away for all of July and half of August. I’m gonna be pretty inactive this whole summer. I’m sorry my dudes.
          5.) my next book is, I wanna say, half way done? Idk exactly where I want to take it and I’m 80% sure it’s going to be on hiatus for the summer and beginning of the school year coming up because yA BOI IS GOING INTO HIGH SCHOOL *cough*kill*me*cough*
          6.) aNyWaY have a nice summer everyone! I love you all!


WeLp this weekend I’m gonna publish Ace’s Autobiography.. it’s pretty sad, I tried at least?
          AnYwAy I think I’m just gonna let my acc go kinda dead while I finish The Side You Don’t Know.. I’ll see you later friends!


What’s up my friends.. ok I have a problem.
          So I have like one or two chapters left to publish of Not So Far and Ace’s Autobiography, right? Yeah well The Side You Don’t Know (it doesn’t have anything to do with the Not So Different series) isn’t even close to finishing.. I’m done with 16 chapters at the moment of writing this so that’s haha FUN but I have a lot of plans for that book so please let me know..
          Should I start posting it on here right after the Not So Different series finishes and risk getting stressed and letting my followers down by having irregular updating times?
          Just wait until I’m completely done with The Side You Don’t Know until posting it on here and risk my acc going kinda dead?
          Let me knOW!
          Bye friends ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_