
Ya know...I could use some more writing buddies lol Also happy Wednesday guys, hope today was awesome for you! Aaand if it wasn't here's a hug to make things better <(^_^)> (>^_^<) *wonders if anyone will ever respond to one of these* Anywhale, I'm outtie. See ya!


Ya know...I could use some more writing buddies lol Also happy Wednesday guys, hope today was awesome for you! Aaand if it wasn't here's a hug to make things better <(^_^)> (>^_^<) *wonders if anyone will ever respond to one of these* Anywhale, I'm outtie. See ya!


GOOOOOOD AFTERNOON EVERYONE! Actually wait, no, it's evening right now. So...I think we need to sit down and have a little chat, as an author to all of you lovely readers. "But about what Jojo?" you might be asking yourself. Well, this conversation revolves solely around Awaken: Tale of a Normal Boy. It was kinda the big story here that I started two years ago (feel old yet? lol) and I think it's time that we all come to the hard truth that I'm probably never going to finish that story.  This is particularly painful to say just because of the fact that Awaken was my way back into the world of writing. Sure I had Invasion, but Awaken made me feel as if I was creating something far greater than anything else I've written. Like...ever. Though looking at it now, and taking the fact that I haven't added a new chapter to it, I think it would be better to just pull it off the life support. I think the craziest part about all of this is the fact that I made a storyboard for the last eleven chapters, but I no longer get that same thrill from the story as I did when I first began. And for that, I apologize. 
          I think the moment I put the story on hold that I wasn't going to return to it. It was the same deal for Invasion, I put it on hold and didn't think twice about returning to write it. Which is really bad on my end since I kept promising more chapters for Awaken. I really did not mean to string you all along, I had every intention of returning to the story, but the love for Gino and the crew just didn't return like I thought it would. I'll still leave it up for you all to read and maybe one day I'll regain a love for the Sifters and give the story a proper finish. 
          After all, you amazing readers deserve a completed story instead me adding another one to the incomplete list. Feel free to let me know your thoughts on this topic below because these announcement blogs message things tend to be monologues and I'd much rather them to be discussions lol


GOOD MORNING GUYS AND GALS!!! Sorry for the shouting, I was just trying to get your attention cause I have a decent amount of announcements to talk about that I had been putting off for the longest time. 
          First things first, YES , Awaken Tale of a Normal Boy will be completed "soon", with "soon" hopefully being before the summer time. But fret not! It's just a matter of me typing up the last few chapters and the then tale will be complete. So thank you for your patience with it being on hold! Though this brings me to another matter, or rather story, that I need to discuss with you all. 
          Considering the fact that I haven't touched Invasion in a long time, I'm most likely going to delete the story off of my "Works" list. And the only reason I'd do that is just to avoid anyone asking when I'm going to continue working on it and me not being able to give them an actual answer. Because truthfully I don't know if I'll ever continue working on Invasion, so by deleting it I can potentially avoid getting people's hope up on the idea that I may one day add a new chapter to it. Though you know what WILL be getting new chapters? Besides Awaken of course!
          Hopper and Pirinja! Hope you all are enjoying the story so far because I do plan on pouring my energy into that story as soon as Awaken is completed, which is why chapters are coming up extra slowly for H & P versus Awaken, which had a relatively high post rate. And speaking of new post and chapters, a new short story collection is on the way, possibly even a poetry collection (still up in the air on that one), a collab story that I'm honestly DYING to work on for various reasons, and so much more. It'll be a great everyone I promise~ 
          Aaaaand that's the end of my announcements. If you have any concerns, comments, questions, etc please speak up cause I enjoy chatting with you all, but I ask that you be patient if I don't respond immediately. College keeps me busy. Anyways I'm done for realzies this time, so deuces!


Good evening ladies and gents!'s been an incredibly long time since I've made an announcement for you lovely peeps. And while most of the announcements tend to be great (like when I say I have a new writing project or a new chapter is being released) this announcement isn't so great. For a variety of reasons that I'd rather not go into right now, I regretfully have to inform you all that I have to temporarily have to pause working on Awaken. As much as I would love to continue it and give you all the last set of chapters (I have it all mapped out and everything) there are a few things concerning the story that I have to take care of first. Also I hope you all won't hate me to much for where I left you all with chapter twenty five. It honestly wasn't my intentions to leave you all hanging like that. In fact...I had pictured that I wold be done with the story by now, but life happens. In the meantime until I can get back to Awaken I'll be posting short stories and chapters Hopper and Pirinja just to make sure that I don't get out of writing all together. Once again I apologize and I just want to say thank you to everyone that's been supporting the story despite how late the updates for new chapters came. And uh...yeah that's about it. I hope that you enjoy the rest of your evening, morning, or whatever time you happen to read this! Deuces!