Humble soul with alot of will. My cup is empty, that means am forever learning, when I can, where ever and however I can.  Writing is my Oxygen. I Can't live without it. It's my Heart. It keeps me sane and alive. #SbuBlesseth
  • Дата регистрацииFebruary 18, 2017

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Sbusiso_Blesseth Sbusiso_Blesseth May 05, 2018 10:12PM
Anybody missed me? Let me know
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Истории от Sbusiso_Blesseth
So who's Wrong от Sbusiso_Blesseth
So who's Wrong
Love killed a man, And this time... LOVE Has taken another life again. If its not reciprocated, consequences...
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The doctrine of Karma от Sbusiso_Blesseth
The doctrine of Karma
"The world turns at a dime, At a blink of an Eye, and when you least expect it to. One moment you got it...
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