
Am I boring? 


@Queen PoisonStar


@ScampBearr well. You aren't. Trust me.


          	  It seems like it. Not alot of people-- actaully no one but you and one other has messaged me compared to the possible 12.  .-.


Am I boring? 


@Queen PoisonStar


@ScampBearr well. You aren't. Trust me.


            It seems like it. Not alot of people-- actaully no one but you and one other has messaged me compared to the possible 12.  .-.


Hey guys!
          School started last Tuesday and ever since I've been over working myself with assignments. This year I've got the two worst teachers in the school when it comes to piling work on us and it's technology based and It's next impossible to do the work with out WiFi! 
          So if I'm not answering It's probably because I'm nose deep in a history assignment or English one. 
          But don't be afraid to ask if I can roleplay because if not I might stress myself out and instead of passing my classes I could start failing. 
          But I've already got a group project.
          Online based project about fake news.
          Geometry math work sheets, and more.
          So hold in there if I don't reply fast!


This is kinda a rant but since grade school I’ve had a eating issue, someone looks at me? I lose my appetite. Some one surprises me with food? I lose my appetite.  My family brings me food? Appetite gone. 
          How can I get around this? Because it’s becoming more often and even if I cook for myself, I might lose my appetite.
          It’s slowly killing me because I already have limited options of what I can eat, like I can’t have dark meat or beef, they either cause a stomach ache or they come back up, I can’t force food down other wise I get sick, and I already eat next to nothing.
          This is so scary to my friends who don’t even live near me are asking 
          “Did you eat today?”  Or 
          “I’ll cook you a meal you can eat without worrying about your appetite leaving!”
          And I can’t confide in the friends near me or they’ll treat me different. Like all they know is I don’t like some meats and don’t look at me as I eat and if they do? I hope I got at least a bite in that might be enough for four more classes and a mile walk home. 
          It’s getting to the point that I’m losing weight and my iron is next to the critical point. My bones break by a simple twist of the ankle, or punch on the floor. 
          I can’t get professional help due to money and I can’t confide in my parents because they’ll just pull a “ Well you never even try to eat the food I cook you.” Or 
          “ your just too picky.”  
          When really my appetite just disappears like it were never there. 
          Is there anyone who can understand that? Anyone who over came that?


            Awe, darn. X.x only difficult thing is that I almost never crave food! Only been craving drinks like chocolate milk. 


@ScampBearr I have a similar problem. My appetite will come and go, I’ll make a meal and suddenly don’t feel like eating, I’ll feel nauseous after I eat anything If I'm hungry or not. The only reason I’m not loosing much weight is because I eat what I’m craving when I’m craving it, and most that’s jink food (Oof) bit I don’t have any professional advice.


Morning to everyone who might care! ^3^


            I'm fast myself but for the most part I just don't know what to say. XP I guess thats what I get for being isolated all summer. 


            For sure, you are dang fast at replying when your up for it.