
HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!! I hope this year and this decade is one where you all will flourish in everything you do, learn a lot of new and interesting things and go on many adventures. This decade brings a new and fresh start so make it a good one!! 
          	Enjoy this momentous and awesome occasion with your friends and family!! ; )


HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!! I hope this year and this decade is one where you all will flourish in everything you do, learn a lot of new and interesting things and go on many adventures. This decade brings a new and fresh start so make it a good one!! 
          Enjoy this momentous and awesome occasion with your friends and family!! ; )


Also... Merry Christmas to everyone!! I hope you all have an amazing day with your families and that you get exactly what you have asked for, for Christmas!! (Even though the gifts aren’t what is important) so Merry Christmas to you all!! Enjoy it!! 


Merry Christmas 


            Merry Christmas!!!


So I know you all are probably tired as hell, of waiting for the next chapter. But I had this idea and just hear me out on this one. 
          Anyway, since it’s Christmas, the season of giving and sharing a joyous day with friends and family, I had the idea of a wish request. 
          Basically how it will work is, I am giving you all one wish to ask me for this Christmas. ONE.  And then I WILL complete each and every wish asked of me. So I am giving you all this wonderful opportunity to wish something from me, so take the opportunity while you have it. 
          And it can be absolutely anything (just nothing dirty) so fire away my Sparkles!! 


Um... I wish/ question I would ask you is how did you get started on wattpad anyway?


            Hmm I wish for you to have a Merry Christmas