Hey guys, gals, and non-binary pals!
I am working on a new story!!! It is a horror story so if you guys don't like scary stuff then you don't have to read it! But if you challenge yourself to read it then I don't mind at all! I just don't want you, pals, to be scared that's all! If you guys get scared and your eating then, well I don't know what to do say about that. If anyone is around you then they can help you stop yourself from chocking! It is going to be awesome! You guys have been helping every day me and I will be here if you pals need anything please don't be afraid to tell me anything! It's okay if you pals give me new story idea's because I'm running out of idea's already XD. I hope you all are safe and I'll be keeping you pals updated about everything! Feel free to send me a message through my Instagram @officalfirelightcosplay! or just my hangouts firelight.cosplay@gmail.com! I hope you guys are safe and sound! Stay safe and keep apart from each other!!