
Merry Morning everyone :) I just updated the Prologue to Snow's Angel :) i edited some of it added a little more to it as well :) Hope you like it! I'll be doing it to every chapter because i went back and spell checked and everything . So i hope you like it


You're an amazing person. Keep doing what you're doing. Huge huge thumbs up! 
          P.S You and your boyfriend are so cute together 


Hey sorry i havent been on in awhile haha and thank you for all your likes and comments and thank you weve been together for 2 years now :) i hope to talk to you more :) @LeaveMeHanging


Hey there! Would you like to do a read for read? :) 


Awesome! My book I would like you to check out is 'Welcome to the Town of Dreaming'. 
            Yes would love to do that. I'll vote up the chapters as I read them and will comment my thoughts on each chapter I read as I go along. :) be blessed as well 


Sure:) what book?? Mines Snow's Angel if you can leave comments on chapters and stuff telling me what you like or what characters yu like or any advice it would be much appreciated @SamanthaDennisSerhan Blessed Be


Hi there! Mind checking out my book, Let It Out and maybe tell me what you think? I'd really appreciate it :)


@ACalmStorm Sure! Gladly :) Be sure to do the same, I'd love any feedback


@ACalmStorm  sure as long as you do the same :) please leave comments on each chapter about what you liked or if theres anything you want to tell me :) Snow's Angel


Hi! Please try reading my two books, there are only few chapter published, 3 for "Athene & Lyssa" and one for "The Rogue Jack & The Frigid Ace". It will mean a lot to me :) Thanks!


Hi sorry i didnt reply sooner @13thHeart but yes so far ive read alittle of yours if you can do the same and comment on the chapters about what you like and how you feel about it itd be much appreciated :) Blessed be


Merry Morning everyone :) I just updated the Prologue to Snow's Angel :) i edited some of it added a little more to it as well :) Hope you like it! I'll be doing it to every chapter because i went back and spell checked and everything . So i hope you like it


Message to all followers:) i would love if you all would follow @monika_321 and @Vexuss :) they are great writers and will willing help you become a better writer :) they actually read your story they are two amazing people :) thanks both of you for your help and input :) Blessed Be both of you


 Aw thanks xxx your book is amazing too ! :)


@SpunkyShay06 thank you so much! What can i say? Your work is amazing, keep up the amazing work :) ❤❤


Hi please check out my new story "way out of my league " would b appreciate thanks :)


Yep sure please be sure to do same for mine :D


Sure! Please return the favor :) and please dont be like everyone else where they read the prologue and dont even read all the chapters they just vote and leave. Id really appreciate feedback such as: Who's your favorite character? What chapter do you like the most so far? Stuff like that :) i look forward to your book