
Hello again. I know Ive been posting a lot of messages here but I was surfing Pinterest and found something useful you might like! 
          Somebody said when you need to tell the height of a person, you don't specify.
          You connect it to something else in the story. What is your character wanting to do in this scene? If your character thinks they might have to fight this person, height would come up. If your character is meeting them for the first time they might be surprised at how tall they are. Or, if they have a friend they THOUGHT was tall, and this new person is EVEN TALLER, that would come up. 
          You can slip in things in the dialogue tags, comparing one person's height to another. 
          "We have to go to the grocery store tomorrow," Matt said, looking down at Lori.
          "What if I get ice cream?"
          Keeping in mind the perspective of a Character and what they want to accomplish in any given situation can help you think of ways to put in information that doesn't feel unnatural! An characters ALWAYS want to do something, even if it's as simple as getting a glass of water. 
          I hope this helped give you some ideas!


You have been chosen to be showered with love, so enjoy!
          Now post this to everyone's wall, who you think deserves the world.
          If you get:
          1 back: You're loved.
          2 back: You're loved and popular.
          3 back: You're one of the most loveable people out there.
          9 back: Wow... I'm jealous lol
          Don't break this chain, please :3


Hey Sakura!! Your Dragon Of Three Colors story is very very good! If you'd like some help with plot or writing I'm down. Actually, I bet a lot of your followers would be too! (at least the writers) I would like to help you get an update out, bc your story is just. so. good.  I know it can be hard sometimes but fr if you need any help with anything, just hit me up.


Me too. If you need me to, I'll try to help the best I can.


Hi! I just found you on Wattpad today, and I loved your story "Dragon of Three Colors". This story is one of the best I've read so far. I want to say that no matter how long it takes, I'm going to be here with you until you finish the book or longer. You're really a great writer.
          Have a nice day/night! Bye!


Hey I absolutely love your dragon pice and was wondering since everywhere is on lockdown... Would you please ppppllleeeaasssseee write some more 


@ScarletSakuraTree well cause I'm in the rural areas I don't really see much but it's pretty cool every county you go to speaks and dresses differently its quite entertaininh


@666moo England? Cool! I know you just said nothing really happens but, if you don't mind me asking, what's it like there? I love hearing about places I've never been.


@ScarletSakuraTree same as usual here tbh in the middle of rural England nothing happens 