
"These Are the Moments" just posted.  Inspired by a Hallmark Christmas movie (gasp!!) with my own special twist.  I love me some AU Bucky and hope you enjoy it too!  Merry Christmas everybody!


Hey girl! Me again! LOL just checking to see if Picture Perfect is actually complete as it’s marked ongoing. I know other authors have mentioned somehow it can get switched somehow with Wattpad. I just didn’t want to start it and love it if there wasn’t an ending yet.  


@kiabsn LOL!  We ARE the same person!


Damn technology! See? It won’t let use emojis here *curses while shaking fists in the air*


When I started this story I had no idea where it was headed.  By the end of chapter one, I realized it was going to be a short, simple little tale about two people who decide to give love a chance, even though they know it won't be easy and the odds are against them.  I like to believe that the characters are both willing and strong enough to make it work.   What do you think?


It's been a long time coming... but I finally finished one of my half dozen works in progress!!  "More Than This" has been posted (if it worked correctly, that's always iffy for me and Wattpad) and is ready for your votes and comments!!!  . If something looks fishy, let me know and I'll TRY to get it fixed!  Thank you and enjoy!


Hi guys! I just posted a very, very short little thing that I wrote years ago.  Its only two pages give it a look and tell me what you think!  I ran across it while I was cleaning out my closet and figured I may as well add it to my collection.  Enjoy!


At last!!  Finished my attempte at a horror, suspense, dangerous love story!!  Take a look and tell me what you think!!


@88Chloe88 oh!!!  Ok...try to keep in mind that this was my first ever attempt to move outside the strictly romantic/comedy fluff I usually ... you know...don't expect it to be too scary or anything!  LOL!!  I hope you enjoy it!