
Heyy to you who reads my NNT fanfiction! I just wanted to tell you guys I haven't had the time to just sit down and write the story. And I did wrote the next chapter before New Year but I wasn't satisfied with it so I decided to not publish the chapter yet.
          	The story is ending and I want to make sure each chapter that I'll be publishing won't need to be edited anymore or seem to be rushed. 
          	I hope you understand! 
          	Thank you for reading ^^


Numpang ya, kalo ganggu hapus aja dan blok ya
          Halo, butuh cover atau ilustrasi atau cast untuk cerita mu? Yuk sini merapat! 2 cover/gambar cuma 5k pulsa/saldo Dana/shopee Pay! Bisa request tema, outfit, dan pose karakter^^ Chat WA dibawah ini kalo kamu mau lihat contoh gambarnya dulu^^  Menerima pembuatan cover fanfiction anime atau Webtoon apapun!  -Naruhina -Sasuhina -Narusaku -Sasusaku -Borusara/Borusumi -Narufemsasu  -Sasufemnaru  -Gaahina  -Nejihina  -Tonehina -Pair lainnya, baik di anime Naruto maupun pair di anime lain (kecuali pasangan homo tapi kalo bromance boleh) -pair dari Webtoon apapun  -Cover/cast/ilustrasi karakter solo.  
          Chat WA ini bagi yang tertarik ( 083861358263 )  2 cover cuma 5k.  Chat dulu sekedar untuk tanya-tanya juga boleh^^


Heyy to you who reads my NNT fanfiction! I just wanted to tell you guys I haven't had the time to just sit down and write the story. And I did wrote the next chapter before New Year but I wasn't satisfied with it so I decided to not publish the chapter yet.
          The story is ending and I want to make sure each chapter that I'll be publishing won't need to be edited anymore or seem to be rushed. 
          I hope you understand! 
          Thank you for reading ^^


Ugh thank you so much to those who've read my NNT fanfic 
          It reached 10k+ reads and I'm so happy because I've published three books before but then I decided to unpublished those 3 because it sucked so much and I hated it.
          Those 3 books are about Fairy Tail (part 1 and 2) and also Black Butler. It's all incomplete and 'Our Cursed Destiny' is the first book I decided to maintain and let the story finish :')
          A little update on 'NNT: OCD', I think it's 70% complete   I'm on my way to write the final stage ;) you'll hate me for what's about to happen so I apologize in advance 
          Wattpad's been getting a bit weird (I'll say screwed up) after the last update. I'm taking extra precaution in case I lost my drafts' content like I did before :)
          Thank you again for the support ^^


@ Scarlet_Sakura  ممكن تقص قصه با العربية عن لوفي ونامي وسكون شكر لكي