I'm off for summer vacation, so here is a list of things I am going to edit/create/other things -
The Wildflowers In The Concrete Jungle - (Making Chapter 1 now, working on Chapter Two.)
Headphones, Geometry, And The Life Of A Teenage Rebel -
(Finishing Chapter 1, working on Chapter 2 & first half of 3.)
A (I think) collaborative dystopian book. (Still working on plot and collaborators: Possibly Fall, 2013.)
Daria(A spin-off show of Bevis And Butthead on MTV that ran
1997 to 2002.) sequel 13 years after the finally. (Working on chapters 1 & half of 2: Between late Summer and Fall 2013. )
Hunger Games parody about the internet. (Working on Plot, characters, and more: Between 2013 and 2014.)
I know that's a lot, but I'll try to manage! I'll update if anything happens. Thank chu all!