
          	No problem! It was a really good book by the way!


Yep! I'm over here stalking you. I mean thanking you for voting for my story! I love Iron Man too! The first two Divergent books (I am a delicate flower and couldn't read book 3.) Anyway, thanks for reading my story and I hope you enjoy the rest. There is a lot of aqua blue and emerald green!!!! I mean, it is a mermaid book! Britt :D


@AnnWrites Hahahahahahahahahhahaha! If anyone call you fat write me and I'll hunt them down! Lol. I just hate when people call others fat! Well mostly the people call others fat cause their jealous of that person or wanting to feel good about them selfs! So they need to shut their mouths! Haha, okay...BYES! :)


aww you rock! love that attitude! <3