Welcome to Wattpad! The platform has its problems, a majority of them from the company that owns Wattpad rather than from Wattpadians themselves, but I think you'll like it here. For all its faults, Wattpad is still a warm and welcoming place - I've never seen an online social media platform like it.
I also haven't seen an online creator platform like it in a very long time. It's mostly geared toward writers and readers, but there are artists here, too (myself included! and I never would have found out I had such a passion for creating art of my own if I hadn't encountered the artists of Wattpad!) and I've even encountered some singer-songwriters, playwrights, and movie/TV/radio script writers.
Other online writing platforms focus only on writing, and they don't seem to have nearly as close-knit a community. Wattpad is unique.
Do you write, or are you mostly here to read?