WhAt iN tHe hEcK dId i cOmE bAcK tOo?!
I'm gone for like....(fk, how long was I gone...years?? Eons??)
Jesus, when we're there so many of you? XD
I'm glad someone likes my writing tho! Thanks for the support!!
Um hello- I just finished reading the entire flash × reader series of yours and am currently low on battery and extremely sleep deprived but it was worth it and... Thanks for writing it I'm just curious, are you still on Wattpad?
Hey, I wanted to ask, if you gonna continue the story "Eight deadly sins" with meliodas. Because I liked that story very mich, nur deadly there is no update
I'm gone for like- a week..
975 follower?? AND the flash book is liked?
I feel like I was in stasis...
But thank you guys so much!! I hope you enjoy my digital scribbles!!