this message may be offensive
Now, that was one fucking long break from Wattpad. I'm legit here after a month or so and among all the other things that have caught me off guard, the most prominent one on the list is WHY THE FUCKING HELL HAS MY FOLLOWER LIST GONE DOWN SO LOW?! I mean, for legit, from 410 to 380? Well, fuck those 'at the moment people who follow you for a follow back and then unfollow you and Imma going on to my next update which is, I'm fucking bored. So all those of you who have taken the pain to read this announcement till here, why not join my server (the one I created out of pure frustration) for all of us to bitch about those unloyal a-holes who have robbed me of my trust to follow more accounts on this platform (including but not limited to) https://discord.gg/fQVgCccAqC Oh, and seeing how dead my insta has been I won't mind if you dm me on there as well Insta id: andrxmeda_1997

@Scarlettray_1997 ik you're mad at me but my inactive ass just found this announcement and I'm joining that server if ya don't kind.