♪ Now the day bleeds...
To night fall...
And you're not here
To get through it all ♪

~| it hurts... |~
~| but it's okay! I'm used to it! |~

I love crossovers in fandoms I think they are fun
I love all music expect country music
I love anything with horror, comedy, action, and/or adventure in it!
I might make/say some weird and/or messed up stuff...
I question many stuff...too much stuff...
I always make weird joke so yeah...

♪ The friends don't walk
They run!
Skinny down the rabbit hole for fun!
Poppin! Poppin!
Balloons with guns!
Getting high off helium! ♪

~| yes. I'm crazy |~
~| Normal is boring for me |~

Fandoms I'm into:
Fnaf (Five nights at Freddy's)
Gravity Falls
Hazbin Hotel
Sander sides
Many Undertale AUs
Baldi's Basics
Little Misfortune
Little nightmares
Fran Bow

♪ Pain!
You made me a! You made me a!
Believer! ♪

~| A healthy mind does |~
~| not speak ill of others |~

P.S. I'm constantly getting into and sometimes out of fandoms so this will change lot most likely...

♪ Baby we built this house
Of memories♪

~| things end |~
~| but memories last forever |~

Note: do not ask me what my otp is I have many otps for different fandoms... There's so many...

♪ I know I'm not alone! ♪

~| you exist |~
~| you are real |~
~| you are right |~
~| you are capable |~
~| you are valuable |~
~| you are not alone |~

  • Somewhere still wondering what is my life...
  • InscritSeptember 29, 2019

Dernier message
ScarryWolf ScarryWolf Sep 12, 2022 05:11PM
Back for crack and gonna make satire fanfiction
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