
guys. important day. write it in the history books. I, scary pear, got 400 views on my book. Thank you to all the fans. couldn't be here with you bois. stay humble. be a pear


@ScaryPear please continue the story I’m on the edge of my seat


can i have a pear


@chokeguk  dude be scared now MAPS are using the pear emoji to identify themselves you could be attacked :[


guys. important day. write it in the history books. I, scary pear, got 400 views on my book. Thank you to all the fans. couldn't be here with you bois. stay humble. be a pear


@ScaryPear please continue the story I’m on the edge of my seat


this message may be offensive
I don't know how to use this website. Im growing old, i only logged on to see if the only story i fucking care about on this cursed website has updated and it hasn't. it never will. I remember loving this website and today when i whipped out good ole i had to think of the name of this website full of angst. I don't even know if this is the way to talk to y'all, the people who still follow me for some reason. I am an old pear and ready for death