Would anyone be interested in a rewrite of the Those Violet Eyes series? I know it still gets a lot of attention, but the language and writing style could really use an update. I tried this once before privately, my attempt was to pull it out of the Buffyverse and make it it's own thing. Unfortunately the story ended up being too tough to keep afloat without completely rewriting everyone's backstories in a way that made sense and didn't make it feel like it was originally Buffy-based. (An example of this is the character of Drusilla. I wanted to keep her main characteristics but struggled to give her a creative and original backstory as to how and why she and Spike met/were involved.) I eventually grew frustrated and gave up on it, but I'd really love to revisit the OG and give it a little update and a bit more story cushion. Lemme know your thoughts!

Sorry if anyone sees this twice, I posted it as an announcement but can't see if it posted or not and idk if I'm certain I know how Wattpad works anymore since it's been like 6 years since I've truly been active XD