
Hey I read your story and think it's amazing! I was just wondering if your going to write a sequel? If not then thank you for the awesome book. I loved it ✌️Bye 


This is so so so late and I’m so sorry!! Thank you for reading but I sadly don’t think I’ll right a sequel I just don’t have the motivation. 


          ♡☆ —this is an official message from the cutie patrol and you are over the cuteness limit ! 
          we know it’s hard to stop , but we would appreciate it if you tried ! we can’t even look at you directly man ! like woooooo baby you’re a star ! 
          on second thought , you’re so cute , you are just super amazing,  that we ask you to please continue ! 
          much love :
          mia ( cuteness captain; absolutely not qualified but here i am. )