
Hi! I'm looking for people who know a lot about Disney Twisted Wonderland, as well as Pokemon Sun and Moon, so that way I could continue writing my most recent book. If anyone is interested, let me know!


So...I've been playing sos poot, and I've noticed that there needs to be some additions/changes to the game. (In my opinion, at least.)) So here are the things I'd like to see!
          •ok, so this is one that marvelous could not include, and I'd be okay with it. But I want to have some introduction dialogue where if the MC has the same name as one of the characters, there'd be some sort of nickname for them, so that way the player/ characters don't get confused about who is who. For example, I named the MC in one of my save files Gloria. The problem is that there is already a Gloria in Olive Town. My solution is that once you talk to Victor in the beginning cut scene, there should be another box prompting the players to put in a preferred nickname. Once you do that, Victor would address the MC by their nickname. Again with my Gloria save file as an example, I'd put Ria as my preferred nickname, and then everyone would refer to my MC as Ria. Once you meet a character for the first time, the game would imply that the MC would introduce themselves, and then say: but please, call me by my nickname. I'd really like for Iori to ask if it's really okay to address the MC by their nickname. BUT this would only apply to MCs that have the exact same name as one of the characters.


            •MATSUYUKI AND THE SPIRIT AS MARRIAGE CANDIDATES, PLEASE! I was very disappointed that they weren't. (Matsuyuki especially) They don't even have to be secret about the option to romance them. If the option to romance was secret, I'd really like for the hearts turn from orange to pink at either the 4th or 5th heart, and ONLY once you've completed the event that's tied to that heart, would the hearts turn pink. If it wasn't however, just treat them like the available marriage candidates we have now, complete with the little heart icon we got in the current update. Oh! And I'd love it if when we first meet the spirit, she's already in her adult form, but she can only be in that form for part of the day. Like she'd revert to her child form in the night, making it so if you're planning on confessing your feelings for her, you'd have to do it from 6:00 am till 11:59 am, or else you'd get a pop up saying 'You can't confess to this person now' as she'd be in child form. Once you do confess your feelings for her, she'd be in her Adult form permanently. And if you'd want to divorce the spirit, you'd have to go to a different shrine, maybe one that's near your farm, that'll disappear if you have a child with her.


I'm looking for someone to help me write my book Yui's sister, as well as my other book The stone cold hero: Medusa.


If anyone wants to help, my discord is Soapyface21#7974 (I think. if its not, switch the numbers to be 7479)