2021, oh boy. Still refusing to check this cursed site regularly, it's become more of a purge thing tbh. Check in every few months to clear my notifications and check my inbox for missed messages. I'll be honest, looking back at my time here, I didn't read a single good story. Nor did I write any. Wattpad is cursed I tell ya, but it's a wonderful outlet for aspiring writers and those who simple wish to keep their works in one place. I've posted like 2 things since coming back last year and both were just so I could keep them in one place.
I have good and bad memories here, but honestly it's the stories rather than the memories that ward me away. I've personally found that Ao3 and Fanfic . net have more content I'm interested in, longer stories and overall better quality. But I will be honest, if it weren't for Wattpad I probably would have never improved my writing skills. For that I'm grateful. Still hate this site tho lmao.
Hope you all are doing well and staying safe in these times. Remember, the mask goes over the nose and mouth. See y'all in another few months or so.