
My updating has been everywhere I apologize that's how my brain is. I'll abandon a project for weeks, months or more and focus on others or even create new ones while the others remain unfinished I'm very chaotic that way
          	For those who have enjoyed my stories I appreciate your reads and views!
          	Always open to constructive criticism,  suggestions and more please reach out!
          	For those new to my profile my stories much like my chaotic brain are Update as I write. Sometimes I'll publish unfinished chapters and or stories I do this for various reasons
          	I'm always changing things or rewriting or updating as I get motivation or ideas such as my bleach v marvel 
          	I like judging people's reaction.... if they would react hah
          	Disappointed my doctor who fanfic got nothing kinda why I ain't updated it in a while
          	Star Trek Deadspace even tho it's my mor3 viewed work is something I'm severally struggling with writers Block with. I don't know how to end it


Do you have account so I can follow this star trek fallout crossover? 


@6602man I sadly don't I used to but mobile is frustrating to post on


i also love star trek im deffo gonna reda ur star trek what if book before i go to bed tonight:]


My updating has been everywhere I apologize that's how my brain is. I'll abandon a project for weeks, months or more and focus on others or even create new ones while the others remain unfinished I'm very chaotic that way
          For those who have enjoyed my stories I appreciate your reads and views!
          Always open to constructive criticism,  suggestions and more please reach out!
          For those new to my profile my stories much like my chaotic brain are Update as I write. Sometimes I'll publish unfinished chapters and or stories I do this for various reasons
          I'm always changing things or rewriting or updating as I get motivation or ideas such as my bleach v marvel 
          I like judging people's reaction.... if they would react hah
          Disappointed my doctor who fanfic got nothing kinda why I ain't updated it in a while
          Star Trek Deadspace even tho it's my mor3 viewed work is something I'm severally struggling with writers Block with. I don't know how to end it


Any tips for writers block?


@ScfiKpopTrash01 wait it out
            Worked for me, just look at Argo’s End
            Or don’t, I mean I was also panicking that it was dying out while I was thinking about what to write for chapter 6 
            Watch tv or listen to music for inspiration or smth


Doctor Who Spirits of Gallifrey is a new story centered around a lost regeneration of the Doctor meeting 10 and being summoned to Gallifrey by Missy and a New Master
          I'm working hard on it
          ST Bangtan is a wip and I'm kinda written in a corner as I didn't anticipate involving Sisko this early
          Mirror Voyager I'm struggling with as well
          Writers block is a Bish


Greetings to anyone who reads these post. I finally finished off Ghost Ship part 3. And I've begun two new series cause why finish the others when I can do new things lol any writers relate?
          Anywho. New series
          Excelsior. This new story picks up off where Ghost Ship part 3 left off. My favorite Asian man is now a Starfleet Captain and in the big chair of the Excelsior. Joined by old friends and new faces Tadashi is gonna tackle the Gamma Quadrant. I got alot In store for this chapter of his life. New and Old star trek enemies and lots of adventures as Tadashi does what Tadashi does best. Get into danger
          Then we have Mirror Voyager this is my favorite new passion project based on Star Trek Voyager and set in the Infamous and violent Mirror Universe.  Janeway and her crew are stuck in the Delta Quadrant but that doesn't phase our loose Cannon Captain as she looks to make the Delta Quadrant bow to the Terran Empire or die. See how the ISS Voyager makes her mark on the Delta Quadrant natives in this series following parallel to season 1 of Voyager with some more original stories in store
          Finally other stories
          My SCP X Trek crossover is continuing I have new ideas coming soon
          Bleach V Marvel is on hold right now 
          Star Trek Dead space is also on pause as I feel I'm stuck with how to end it
          Star Trek Bangtan is also gonna continue soon as well I'd like suggestions for this story opinions welcome
          That's all. Thanks everyone!


Hi I'm alive! And still writting!
          To those who pay attention to me you'll notice my SCP X Star Trek crossover stories. I hope you enjoy them!
          I'm also writting my one off Vs Battles for Bleach Vs Marvel! 
          I also intend to finish off Star Trek Dead space! But writers block been hitting me. I been trying a prequel chapter to explain what happened to the USS Cury. 
          I also plan to upload StarTrek Ghost Ship 2 and finish Ghost Ship 3 and work on Star Trek Defiant and Star Trek Bangtan
          Feedback. Opinions and suggestions are most welcome! Again I'm a casual writer I do not do this professionally!  I just write when ever my brain decides it has ideas.


Alot has happened this year. Alot of loss from my mother to now my home. I still haven't forgotten my stories and to those who have enjoyed reading them I hope to continue on soon.  I'm working through chapter 11 of my dead space crossover. And Ghost Ship and Bangtan are my second priorities


Ghost ship has become my little passion project I haven't forgotten the others but writers block can be a pain.  I hope to have ghost ship wrapped up. I don't think it's going to be as long as I thought it would I wonder what people may think of the characters as I may end up doing more stories about Tadashi and his crew.