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I observe every step. Every breath. Every move.
I lurk in the shadows, out of the sight of people. Out of your sight.
Watching. Guarding. Protecting.
I may not have company, but as long as you are safe, it is worth it.
I consider myself a dreamer, a hoper, a lover.
One who waits, a figment of my own imagination.
I sometimes ask myself. where the fuck has chivalry gone?
Manners? Etiquette? Ascesis?
And so I remain taciturn in real life.
Holding that iron facade up.
Keeping my mouth shut, acting like the good one.
And of course, alienated for doing so.
As O'Sullivan put it, alone again, naturally.
Fuck you if you swear, even in your thoughts.
But then again, come to think of it,
If you swear, you're probably so fucking filthy on the inside,
So damn dirty, not even a serial rapist would fuck you.
Just like me, and a great deal of the fucking world.
Fucked 'til the point where the word fuck,
It carries little meaning.
The rest of us, we just wander aimlessly, dreaming.
Dreaming to reconcile the past with our future.
Hoping that we can somehow fix our lost hopes.
But no, never. Still, here we are.
Totally and royally fucked up,
beyond all fucking recognition.
Best regards to whomsoever reads this.