
More info on The Echo of Ardanis-
          	Fire realm is called Hiphira, people from here are referred to as Hiphirians.
          	Air realm is called Racheek, people from here are referred to as Racheks. 
          	Earth realm is called Scrlynch, people from here are referred to as Scrlyns. 
          	Water realm is called Cozoga, people from here are referred to as Cozogian. 
          	Time realm is called Titanle, people from here are referred to as Titanians. 
          	Light realm is called Comenace, people from here are referred to as Comenian 
          	Dark realm is called Surdan, people from here are referred to as Surdanian. 
          	Illusion realm is called Ogona, people from here are referred to as Ogians. 
          	Shapeshifters realm is called Phivaca, people from here are referred to as Phivians. 
          	Hiphira: king- drogwell, queen- Roseshu, prince- Viserhayes 
          	Titanle: king- Grigruel, queen- Gorazora, prince- Corion 
          	Scrlynch: king- Dirion, queen- Scrlker, princess- Ifra 
          	Cozoga: king- Elmkim, queen- Herampa, prince- Elrim 
          	Racheek: king- Chadrin, queen- Badrui, princess- Nem 
          	Surdan: king-Sorylore, queen- Wininki, prince- Rolka, princess- Ravaca 
          	Comenace: king- Arkor queen- Herrena, prince- Forbow, prince-Vicarrys, prince- Rephais 
          	Ogona: king- Reanimres, queen- Palama, prince- Murribim 
          	Phivaca: king- Torrir, queen- Thudrcia 
          	***If there’s any complications with pronunciation let me know!


More info on The Echo of Ardanis-
          Fire realm is called Hiphira, people from here are referred to as Hiphirians.
          Air realm is called Racheek, people from here are referred to as Racheks. 
          Earth realm is called Scrlynch, people from here are referred to as Scrlyns. 
          Water realm is called Cozoga, people from here are referred to as Cozogian. 
          Time realm is called Titanle, people from here are referred to as Titanians. 
          Light realm is called Comenace, people from here are referred to as Comenian 
          Dark realm is called Surdan, people from here are referred to as Surdanian. 
          Illusion realm is called Ogona, people from here are referred to as Ogians. 
          Shapeshifters realm is called Phivaca, people from here are referred to as Phivians. 
          Hiphira: king- drogwell, queen- Roseshu, prince- Viserhayes 
          Titanle: king- Grigruel, queen- Gorazora, prince- Corion 
          Scrlynch: king- Dirion, queen- Scrlker, princess- Ifra 
          Cozoga: king- Elmkim, queen- Herampa, prince- Elrim 
          Racheek: king- Chadrin, queen- Badrui, princess- Nem 
          Surdan: king-Sorylore, queen- Wininki, prince- Rolka, princess- Ravaca 
          Comenace: king- Arkor queen- Herrena, prince- Forbow, prince-Vicarrys, prince- Rephais 
          Ogona: king- Reanimres, queen- Palama, prince- Murribim 
          Phivaca: king- Torrir, queen- Thudrcia 
          ***If there’s any complications with pronunciation let me know!