
this message may be offensive
I fucked up


@ Schl4tt_myp00k13  Que paso?


this message may be offensive
I fucked up


@ Schl4tt_myp00k13  Que paso?


I always predict when stuff is gonna get popular again
          (3 days before Lacey's games became super popular again I changed my theme to it)
          (Now I made a scene oc like a week ago randomly and scene is back in the scene lmaoooo)


I also said the only mcyt I still like is Schlatt and then he made a fcking smp /pos


I remember blurry stuff from today's dream
          Mom told me to use a lot of deodorant
          I was in like a kitchen? And I was the son of the owner and an inspector came so he told us to clean every little bit of mold because it could be anywhere so I launched myself with a fire extinguisher towards the ceiling and got sent to a classroom besides the kitch3n?? 
          There was a boy that kept asking the frog looking teacher with big ass lips to repeat what she said, he looked like a little kid and sounded like one
          I was standing and idk what she was talking abt smth abt her marriage and how wives must be submissive and I started drinking water from an empty flower base and idk why or what she said but I smashed it directly against the wall and I was begin sassy???? 
          So then we went out we were going to a school trip and I was eating the branches off the pine tree outside the small school but the tree was literally ice
          We walked out into the street and behind us there was the 911 building? Like a ginormus police place 
          And it was in front of a cliff and down the cliff there was the bus, the teacher hated me and idk why but I started walking through the border of the world to jump on top of her car that was besides the bus
          Then she called the cops which were like small biblically accurate angels with glowing yellow cars and they started chasing me around but then a character from the dream I can't remember got me in his car and started driving around so they wouldn't find us but his car broke so we called a pretty pink fish looking girl, (continues down) 


@RedFoxGalUnicornZ  oop
            It was just a dream anyways so- /lh/nm/gen


Normally I’d pm things like this but my pms were disabled so I’ll put it here
          I missed you a lot, I js wanna be honest with you abt that. I miss how close we used to be, whether it was platonically or just as friends or anything abt that yk? Ofc im not saying “oh we should do that again,” we both have our own ppl now, I’m just saying I miss being close friends with you and I’m rly happy we get to talk again. <3


@Schl4tt_myp00k13 nah it’s totally ok!! I hope we can at least be bsfs again ❤️


@JustReading_Things honestly I kinda miss you too, it would be nice to be close again but like you said we have our own people now and we also have changed and grown ig
            I'm also happy we are currently in contact again and im so sorry I didn't answer earlier-
            Huggies 4 u!! 