
this message may be offensive
Lol lmao hahaha i neef to die i cany fucking velieve tjis


HAPPY 2025


@ Schl4tt_myp00k13  yo solo me metía para ver las notis y luego me ponía a jugar o ver tiktok 


@Girl_Rougg4 callate q no toco wattpad ni con un palo hace banda ,,


Hello! Kind regards dear Sam
          I must inform you that username "WhyanAlien" has died for reasons I must not speak about in this platform.
          Please don't try to contact them for their discord account will be reporpused for the username and age.


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sorry for coming back i really need to know if im the asshole or not
          vent heavy tw
          so basically Rey, my (ex?)bff blocked me everywhere and said they "hate they ever cared for me" and "wish i never came back all those times i blocked them" 
          (for context. I have three twitter accounts, my main (nornal), my priv (in which i only had Rey) and my nsfw/vent (in which i had blocked Rey) and I didnt wanted them to know about that account.
          they saw a screenshot in my priv where i was talking with someone I had told them to block (because it was someone they wouldnt like) and searched for my nsfw account, read all of my vents and intrusive thoughts and then blocked me everywhere without an explanation, i was able to ask in tumblr before they blocked me there too and they were disgusted by me, its been almost a day since and i miss them ive been crying all day and night. They knew about my hypersexual thoughts and I vented it on a separated account without them because I knew they wouldnt like it/be uncomfortable and I was actually starting to feel better and accept my trauma, they didnt let me explain myself at all and seriously they were my all. our one year since we met anniversary was a literal week ago and i feel so lost without them, i get that they hate me but i just would have liked to have been able to talk to them before begin cut off their life like this, i feel like my heart was ripped out of my chest and that i have no reason o live anymore


@Schl4tt_myp00k13 oh no.. I'm so sorry that happened to you and I hope you know that you are absolutely NTA


@Schl4tt_myp00k13 Oh I'm so sorry (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠) I hope you feel better soon pookie <333 (and you're definitely not the a-hole btw)


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@Schl4tt_myp00k13 NTA (not the asshole) you took into account that they weren't gonna be comfortable with it and made sure to create a whole separate account. None of their actions are your fault


Uhh I'll either delete this account or just fully inactive, I lost the only person keeping me alive


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@Schl4tt_myp00k13 holy shit dude, im sorry


): Im still here sam.