I deleted your message on my MB and am going to reply here. I won't quit forever by the way, I've just made a new account. My mother has been monitoring this account for a while, and probably still does because she knows I'm going to delete it. I found out because she accidentally sent a screenshot of something 'disturbing' that I posted to me instead of my father. And ever since I confronted her she's been spamming me with messages about how we can 'fix this' and 'get help for me' and stuff like that, playing the poor betrayed victim after breaking my privacy and driving me to the point where I feel like I can't talk to her because she's going to judge and disapprove no matter what I say. She promised to leave me alone and not search for my accounts again and I should just change my username, but I know the tab leading to my profile is still open on her phone so it'd change nothing, and she knew without me saying anything what I'm posting on my MB (hence me not talking on there anymore), so...

@Schneeball08 Don't be sorry. I think it'll be alright eventually. And even if it won't, in two years I'll be 18, and then I can leave this behind. I hope so too, but maybe foolishly. I don't think we ever will, but I'm not going to let my parents ruin my life.

@Dichterliebe I am sorry to hear that. I was worried about you... I don't think you're the person to dabble in the 'disturbing'. I hope you and your family will find closure soon.