
After thinking for a short time, I am quite disappointed for even making or have capability to even write such grotesque fanfic, Just looking at it really make my skin crawling, I feel every hair on my hand rattling in disgust at such terrific abominable fanfic of mine. 
          	Anyway going the main topic, After sometimes I gonna delete the fanfic,  I mean no one be surprise considering the state of the fanfic itself is a mess. So I wanna say sorry to anyone who actually waited for this fanfic (basically no one) and anyone that read such hideous fanfiction.
          	I have a draft of a long lost story that I made before chapter 13 of my fanfic (at the time I am pretty burned out on what should I write for the fanfic next). Here it is : Indomina Historia
          	"It's now the shadow of what it was, Once a family has lived on this place. Put 3 months later, It was reported to me that the people that lived on this place are missing. 
          	Many investigations that was launched to find the family only came with empty results, however, one of the investigation is detailed that a sound was heard on the place, the sound itself can be consider "alien" to mankind. 
          	Reading the report, me and the rest of my friends decide to investigate this accursed place our self, Put, the memory of entering the place cannot be replayed on my mind, I only remember leaving that place alone, my friends is never been found or heard ever since.
          	Decade later,  a letter was sent to me about the place, the horror that so mind breaking that even us human cannot comprehend. Reading this, I feel something inside me wanted to investigate this place. I have prepare myself mentally and physically to go to this place.
          	This disgusting place has haunted me for decade, now it's time to uncover what horror lurk on this accursed place"
          	I found the synopsis and  first half of chapter one(after searching through my old drive there is more put the chapter is a quite a mess and didn't at up based on the story and the mc personality).


After thinking for a short time, I am quite disappointed for even making or have capability to even write such grotesque fanfic, Just looking at it really make my skin crawling, I feel every hair on my hand rattling in disgust at such terrific abominable fanfic of mine. 
          Anyway going the main topic, After sometimes I gonna delete the fanfic,  I mean no one be surprise considering the state of the fanfic itself is a mess. So I wanna say sorry to anyone who actually waited for this fanfic (basically no one) and anyone that read such hideous fanfiction.
          I have a draft of a long lost story that I made before chapter 13 of my fanfic (at the time I am pretty burned out on what should I write for the fanfic next). Here it is : Indomina Historia
          "It's now the shadow of what it was, Once a family has lived on this place. Put 3 months later, It was reported to me that the people that lived on this place are missing. 
          Many investigations that was launched to find the family only came with empty results, however, one of the investigation is detailed that a sound was heard on the place, the sound itself can be consider "alien" to mankind. 
          Reading the report, me and the rest of my friends decide to investigate this accursed place our self, Put, the memory of entering the place cannot be replayed on my mind, I only remember leaving that place alone, my friends is never been found or heard ever since.
          Decade later,  a letter was sent to me about the place, the horror that so mind breaking that even us human cannot comprehend. Reading this, I feel something inside me wanted to investigate this place. I have prepare myself mentally and physically to go to this place.
          This disgusting place has haunted me for decade, now it's time to uncover what horror lurk on this accursed place"
          I found the synopsis and  first half of chapter one(after searching through my old drive there is more put the chapter is a quite a mess and didn't at up based on the story and the mc personality).


are you still alive?


@Oscurtv2 It seems like I can't  write a story nowadays, I have the time put the intention to write it already lost. I gonna upload the five chapter I pre-made a month ago in a week. Its not good put you can read  it if you want to.


@Oscurtv2 Luckily I am still alive, I just need to do a few irl stuff then I can actually  start to write story.


Btw, you should read Dxd light novel instead of anime, because Dxd anime ruin everyone characters, especially Issei's character HARD.


@Parodymaster Interesting.....  I can use thing like that maybe not entirely accurate to this put atleast I gonna make about hidden boss aside for DxD or FGO. 
            kk thanks for the suggestion


            Think of it like hidden boss then, like a beast that appears in Fgo special event
            Make Issei at some point notice that there is something feel wrong about himself and become more suspicious after talk with Y/n and confirm after Gilgamesh use clairvoyance on him, then all things gone south after that because the master mind dissatisfied with how things starting to go out of his control and appear to confront them, and here is where Issei exchange his life to deal attack blow that heavily damage the hidden boss and made him retreat while free a soul of himself from hidden boss's control before going to afterlife in peace.


@Parodymaster not literal last boss put will be related to the next arc. 
            Riser huh? I haven't think of that.... considering I just kill him of for the sake of plot convenience.    I may plan to write how he became so spoiled arrogant brat later on.


This is the 3rd part of my rant, scroll down to see the rest. You can delete this at any time. 
          -humor, symbolism, irony.
          Good stories are entertaining. Great stories are entertaining, funny, and makes me remember badass scenes or scenes where the mc explains the world or something to other characters, the feeling of a reincarnator mc explaining to the Greek gods that souls society, Throne of heros, exist. 
          This Is some general advice, but in the end is my opinion and I am not a professinal writer. This is completely my opinion, and several famous writers are rolling in their Graves right now. You can ignore me and write how you want, it's your story. You are the boss, not your audience. Writing should be fun and a way to share your imagination with the world. Writing is extremely hard and most people dread it. It's easier to say than to do. So I encourage you to keep writing and doing what you enjoy. (That's my motivational speech for the year. Gonna copy and past this so I can use this later)


this message may be offensive
@SynthScytheScorpion haha, wattpad expects me to keep my rants under 2000 characters. They underestimate me. For a point of clarification, this is not a checklist or some guidelines  for your story. This is me throwing out a few good (debatable)  ideas or plot points that you can use. Feel free to say f**k you and write the story how you want. 


Thank you for a entire goddamn trilogy of rant, unfortunately some of the yours suggestion will not be included because I am writing because of free time, so as I say long ago the plot will be rather predictable put
            about unpredictable antagonist I can maybe fit this 
            about mc changing personality is what I gonna do with Enkidu Y/N, After the rating game the story maybe become more darker. 
            explaining knowledge that other characters doesn't know is an absolutely the thing I gonna do (mc explaining things is really feel more cool)
            weaknesses yes she will have it, Enkidu Y/N as the chapters will get stronger put not immediately as strong as gilgamesh (she cannot use EA)
            "deeper meaning" huh? I can use this when it is necessary (which will be rarely if Y/N don't have disciple or student)
            about the stagnant story
            The story will be the same until kokabiel (maybe some changes). As the story goes I gonna changes more plot ( a bit risky because it will cause a ton of holes that I need to explain or make a side story to) 
            character reactions to Y/N or other main character power is a huge YES, it is part of the reason I write the book anyway.