
Hello I'm searching for a novel that I had read two years ago.I have forgotten both the name and plot.The only thing I remember is that when the female lead enter the small world to train ;she almost got rape by the villain if not the male lead forcefully enter the world.He know that because the bracelet he had given to fl is bloody.He also got serious injuries because he forcefully enter the small world.It is ancient material novel.The small world that I said is the world that often mention the people train their abilities in Chinese novel.If someone know similar to this type of novel,can you tell me please  I have been searching for very long time.. If you don't clear   about what I say,you can come to ask me.


@Nelixxx0 thanks you for your suggestion


@Nelixxx0 Hey, I don't think have read any novels that fit your description. Sorry but maybe you can search for it on Google [ just type novel update on Google] .Enter the Novel Update site and open [Series Finder] You can see it on top of the website or 
    - Just copy this link. Hope this will help you.


Hi. May I know if you know a story where the FL is an abducted girl from a tribe and her father is the leader. She got trained as an assassin I think. And in the end her partner (not sure) betrayed her cause the organization ordered her partner to kill her. And she got reincarnated and got back before she got forcefully abducted? Thank you so much!!! 


            I'm sorry I don't think I know. You can search it on novel update. Just click the link.


Hello. I want to ask if you perhaps read a certain story. I forgot the title, but I was hoping that you know it.
          It about a princess named Ri, she had a younger twin sister who is loved because of her beauty and magic. As they grow, her sister got married and her greedy parents offer her as a package to increase the dory they got.
          When they got to their husband's kingdom, her sister was treated really well while she was place at an abandon place where she got no one.
          But to some reason, she disguise as a male and enter the knight selection. She was accepted in one of the best knights and started a new life.
          The twist is, her husband, the emperor, was the leader of that knights disguise as their commander.
          I really love this story, but I sadly forgot the title. Please help me!


Thank you so much.


Maybe you can try to find it on the novel update website.


@goldensilversworth I'm sorry. I don't think I have read the story.
