Attention employees of quantum labs with new events our hr has forced us, umm I mean persuaded us, to update our handbook based on new threats that have come to light.- Ceo, Jonathon Nox
( p.s. I have been hiding lore in comments and stuff so keep a look out and be ready for more updates to books, I am so sorry for taking forever guys but life has been crazy and I was feeling pressured to write which is never good so I have decided to post more book updates but also to take my time to give you all better content. Thankfully I feel like I can get back into this, and I am pleased to announce that I am working on the remaining chapters of ATLAS two which should be wrapping up soon and I feel confident enough to leak the name of the third book in the ATLAS series. The book will be called doomsday and it will lead into a convergence of a bunch of my stories. I also plan to start my Neptune series which will end up giving more info on the syndicate, which I realise has only come up twice in my books but it is quite important. So finally after this lengthy post I will get reading, have a great day and good luck figuring things out until then. Sincerely, Sciencefictionech :)