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Okay, so if anyone who enjoys obscure anime is seeing this, then this is just some theory’s (and complaints at the end)about Shiki, because the last few episodes were... unsatisfying to say the least. spoilerrrrrrrss
The biggest question for me is how The bean (I think his name Akira, but...) got away from the vampire when he was tied up. Me and my mom decided to just say that he died and rose up, but either has WAY better control than all the (now dead, lol) vampires, or is a jinro. I think that’s how you spell it. ;w;
(The second reason was actually me at two in the morning speculating random makes more sense the more I think about it.)
Another thing, is that I hope, from the bottom of my heart, that the brat and the priest burned to death in the woods. Who came up with the idea to try and make the audience feel sorry for vampires, like, bruh. If you want us to enjoy the show try killing the gross creepy characters and let the good ones survive. Like blonde boi. I miss him.
And the one guy who always wears horrible eye melting outfits died in the 70’s, because mom said that was when clothes were worst.
My problems with the anime include, but are not limited to, the following:
The creators CLEARLY do not understand character appeal. They continue to return to minor, creepy characters that I want to see get run over by a tractor. (Megumi, haha.) the hair is all over the place. I have two problems with the main nurse, how she didn’t die a slow, painful death, and her possessed hair.
They NEVER, EVER, explained what happened with Akira.(?)
Why does everyone make so many stupid decisions. What kind of idiot came up with this-
Why did blonde boy like the green possessed nurse when it’s CLEARLY a horrible thing to include. If my homophobe of a mom decided he’s gay, the what kind of creep made this train wreck.
That one lady running through the woods wearing undies. My eyes need bleach.
Aight, time to binge YouTube till I pass out.