
... I want to enter the wattys2015  


@angelwingsmat I'll try it out ;)


So I haven't been on here for a while.. Just sorting out my studies, as I went downhill for some reason and I need to pick myself up again. I am aware that it has been 5 months since I last updated Black Rose. I also took down my Original story as I felt like it wasn't really going anywhere.. I will need to plan it more. As for Black Rose, I will update when I can.. I just haven't got the motivation right now to do so. Please be patient with me! 
          Thank You!


          Bad News: I think, most likely anyway, Black Rose will be on hold for a bit. I'm currently working on an original story and the two worlds clash. I have to put my mind and effort into this new one first... I've been thinking about it for a while. 
          Please be patient, ya'll. :) Black Rose shall soon be back.


Hello. One of my students turned your work as hers. Just wondering where in the world you are located. Interesting story, but it didn't sound like her, so I Googled it.


Thanks! :D and I have to check over it soon.


It does have quite a few grammatical errors, but the foundation is great! Nice use of description!


Ahh, my story wasn't even that good to copy but that's sad on them... Hope it's not that bad. :) And I'm famous! :D Not the way I expected but oh well.