Greetings to all the wonderful folks still following me here despite my absence from the platform. :D To those of you who read, enjoyed, and commented on my first Wattpad book, "Werewolves of West Virginia - Book 1 - Gateway", I'd like to announce that the edited, re-written, official E-book version has now finally been published and is now available for purchase on multiple bookseller sites.
Amazon/Kindle is lagging (awaiting approval from them) but it's up on, Apple Books, Barnes & Noble/nook, Smashwords, and others. The price is a little higher than some Ebooks but please keep in mind, that WOWV1G is a 50+ chapter/200 000+ word novel... so you get a LOT of reading for your money. Thank you in advance for your consideration/purchase and for being a faithful follower here. :)
If you'd like to purchase the book, copy/paste the following link and click the "Get It Now" button...