
          	Last night I got the coolest book idea in a while. It's called "Blood" and it's about a girl who isn't exactly the strongest or prettiest. Who also has problems with her blood at times. 
          	But the main part of the story is she comes from a long line of vampires! And not just any vampires, she's one of the grand children of the Blood Queen. Who is a high class royal vampire. 
          	That's all I have planned so far, but this book will be up soon! Hope u will like it!


@ScottGirl Please can you finish the story TMNT: Tough Girls.


          Last night I got the coolest book idea in a while. It's called "Blood" and it's about a girl who isn't exactly the strongest or prettiest. Who also has problems with her blood at times. 
          But the main part of the story is she comes from a long line of vampires! And not just any vampires, she's one of the grand children of the Blood Queen. Who is a high class royal vampire. 
          That's all I have planned so far, but this book will be up soon! Hope u will like it!


@ScottGirl Please can you finish the story TMNT: Tough Girls.


Woo hoo! I finally got 100 followers!!! Thank u guys do much! And I'm sorry I haven't been updating lately. I've been moving into my new home since last week and I am almost done. I'll try to update as much as possible and let you know when I'm all done. Once I get settled down then I'll have plenty of time to update. Thx my Lion Cubs!